Saturday, October 11, 2008

Improved with I-cord

Remember these?

A wee bit plain, so I thought I'd jazz them up a bit with some leftover Koigu Kersti! I used 3 stitch I-cord to make a length, then sewed it down with regular sewing thread into this flower shape. A visit to the button jar, and we're done!

Now they really are "Super" Mittens!

In my last post I was proudly sporting Juliet. In the few times I have worn it since, I have not been happy with the loop closures. Specifically, I thought the attachment of the loops seemed kind of sloppy, and showed through the knit fabric. It was Sivia Harding who suggested to me I do applied I-cord all the way up the fronts and around the neckline to create a smooth finished front, and seamless I-cord loops for the buttons. Brilliant idea! Thanks Sivia!

1 comment:

  1. Wow those mittens look great! Good idea! Also a great idea for Juliet. It looks really finished now. Hope to see you on Tuesday!
