Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Cable Progress, not so much

I've slowed down on the Cable Sweater. It takes so much concentration for every stitch I can barely stand it. There are pretty well no breaks at all where I can cruise along. Well, maybe one row per 20 row repeat. I've decided "reddy" is not a good project for hockey games or waiting times. It's only good for an hour ot two of complete uninterrupted time, usually when kids are in bed. Of course this is at nighttime when I don't have the most energy to carefully read the pattern. This could potentially take me more than two months to knit, what a concept! Bottom line is, it's taking a lot out of me, and I had to do something else for a bit of a breather.... I swatched the yarn for Wicked, and am looking forward to some easy knitting on easy street! This colour is very rich and pretty in real life! I got gauge with this swatch and hope to whip it up pretty fast.

One more thing: I took apart a hat I had made for myself (it had ear flaps, it wasn't working for me unless I was cruising around Whistler village, which is not too often, who am I kidding....I digress) and am now re-working the bottom so it is simple ribbing. I feel good about re-making something I know I will wear instead of thinking I will wear. I'm going to need it, it is so cold right now! Thankfully the furnace guy came today to do his magic with the old beast downstairs. It has made a wonderful difference to everyone's (ie. my) disposition.


  1. "Reddy" looks really nice...I can't wait to see the finished product. What yarn are you using for Wicked? Is it the ArtYarns?

  2. Yup, it's Artyarns Supermerino in dusty plum ordered from fabulous yarn!
