Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Pillow Talk, Set 1

This year, I've been making a concerted effort to make my bed every day. Never used to be a priority, but lately I have noticed the pleasure I have when I walk into my room and see the bed all neat and tidy. It's satisfying, and adds a degree of serenity to my day when I look at it.

A new duvet cover helped a lot, I admit, to ensure my daily task gets completed. A beautiful indigo blue, all cotton, from India, but I thought I would add some light coloured square (25" x 25") pillows to brighten and balance the blue and green (sleeping pillows) from the gorgeous cherry headboard.

I picked up some cotton muslin from IKEA (as well as the pillows) to put together a simple pillow cover. To dress it up a bit, I looked through my button collection for inspiration.

On the front of the pillow, I plotted out a 3 x 3" square in the centre of one side, and reinforced the back with foundation paper applied with fusible web to make a sturdy sewing surface.

Then I sorted out buttons, and on the reinforced 3x3 square, I sewed the reds onto one pillow cover:

and on the other pillow cover, the yellows (with some gold):

And here we are, my made bed, complete with button-embellishments!

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