Thursday, January 3, 2008

New Year, new knitting

Now it's that lovely time of year when we can get back to the knitting we left behind to get ready for Christmas. This means for me I am getting back to reddy....I completed the back (thank you, thank you) and have started the front. I am very happy to move along with this! Pictures still to come!

If you're wondering about Wicked...well....let's just say we had a little problem with dye lots, and it has been frogged back to balls of yarn waiting for its next turn, in a ziploc bag. It took some time to accept this decision, but now I feel liberated from the problems it was causing. I am quietly making plans for it within the next couple of months.

In the meantime, I finished a pair of socks:

and almost finished another:

Here's the Christmas hat I made miss M which she loves:

That's the holiday knitting so far!

1 comment:

  1. Love the socks! What yarn did you used? You are inspiring me to finish my darn sock...maybe if I just switch to metal needles it'll make a difference! Nice work Julia!
