Monday, March 21, 2011

Woolly days

Still feeling cold around here, but thank goodness for wool socks!
Love how they keep me warm and perk up my day. :D

Here's a standard pair of day brighteners.

The yarn was milled and dyed in Granby, Colorado, from our holidays last summer. So pretty!

The other woolly warmer just finished is the Sugar Maple Shawl, this is the ravelry link.

Here's how it started out:

And here we are all done!

This pattern is simple lace, I memorized the pattern after a few repeats. A very long rectangle is knit over twenty-nine 12 row repeats, then hundreds of stitches are picked up along three sides. Increases are made every other row to make a wide, gentle ruffle. It's very cosy, and long enough to wrap around and sit comfortably on my shoulders without falling off.

Suh-weet! Soft and squishy Malabrigo worsted, what is not to love?
(Let's not bring up the single-ply pilling factor, shall we? la la la la la....)

Ruffles close-up!

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