Sunday, January 16, 2011

Recipes re-organised!

And it keeps on going!

Okay....the recipes were in the same situation as the patterns.

I still wanted to use the same binder, but the dividers needed to be upgraded.
All for the desire to beautify everyday living, I bought some William Morris file folders.

I sorted and thinned out many, many recipes, and magazines.
It's funny how I thought I would make something over 10 years ago, and still have not made it to this day.
Figure I probably still won't have made it in another 10 years. Onto recycling.
Sorting in progress (this is not all of it):

I took four pretty file folders and cut them in half along the fold.

On the bigger half, I used my three hole punch, trimmed the sides a bit to clear the binder easily, and popped them in the binder.

On the smaller half, I had to figure out how I could still hole punch them and have them sticking out a bit so I could actually see the divider tabs.

As I took out the old dividers, I thought I could still make use of their reinforced holes. Using double sided tape, I attached the functional part of the divider (ie. the three hole strip) to the pretty folder half, and voila, it works perfectly. So I got eight divider tabs out of four file folders. I love this!

Another functional system (that's easy on the eyes), another good night's sleep...

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