Tuesday, September 8, 2009

On a Ysolda roll

Meet Poppy!

I'm not sure what to say about her since she turned out absolutely perfect. The pattern was a breeze to follow, I'm really happy with her, my first stuffed toy I've ever knit! I used Louet Gems sport weight, in crabapple, and champagne.

Her Mary Jane's are made by using duplicate stitch over the "shoe" to create the "skin."

Found a couple of buttons in jar for the bib part of her wee dress.

Had fun making the hair! Marianna loved giving her a trim. We used a dk weight in Loyal.

With her new pals, Lukey the little bear made by me many years ago, and Dorian, another handmade felt critter by Marianna.

And as our segue, Marianna is wearing her new Liesl whilst arranging Poppy's hair.

My third Liesl knit in Elsebeth Lavold's Angora blend in a soft chocolate brown. I knit the smallest size on a smaller needle than what's called for, kind of taking a gamble on the fit. I made a good guess, because it fits her AND she loves it! Bonus. Her new fall sweater.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
