Sunday, July 26, 2009



Back in May, I found a beautiful skein of Fleece Artist's Nyoni on sale at Urban Yarns. The colour is harvest gold, and it spoke to me from the shelf. I listened, then brought it home.

The pattern is Hillflowers by Anne Hanson. The pattern was easy to memorise once I got into the groove, which was one full 16 row repeat. To make the pretty scalloped edges on each short side, the pattern is worked one half at a time, then grafted in the centre. I worked 14 chart repeats for one side, as per patt, but I was a little short of yarn on the other side and made it only to 12. I guess I could have frogged back the one side to make an even 13 repeats on both sides, but I was ready to just graft at that point. When wearing a rectangular shawl, it's not usually always centred anyway.

I thought the tone-on-tone colour worked brilliantly in this wavy pattern.

I made the medium size ("petite wrap"), which called for 850 yards. I had 820 yards and used it up efficiently, with less than three yards leftover after grafting. It blocked out plenty big enough to 16" x 64". I'm thinking I got great value from this one. I love it!

My leftovers:

(I zoomed in, but I guess I didn't need to, I'm sure you get it)


  1. That's absolutely beautiful - what a great combination of pattern and yarn!

  2. Gorgeous Julia! Your going to make me get my knitting mojo back!
